Happy Sunday y'all,
This week I turn 28, and I have done what I often do - reflect on the year I want to have or day-to-day experiences that have shaped the woman I am becoming. I feel I am connecting to my true life affirmation to live, love, and be loved each day. Honoring myself and connecting to the true essence of my being. In this week's newsletter, I wrote about a solo trip I took to Hawaii. It was a defining moment in my life that helped me remember that I am responsible for my own life. It was a short time, but it made me sit down and check on my heart's condition of living in a peace-filled harmony and walking in wisdom and power.
Another moment where I wandered was on a girls trip to Jamaica. During the trip, a man who worked at our hotel took excellent care of us, telling us the best local spots and places to go. But it was the words he lived by that truly inspired me. He would say “Me No Problem” because he believed that there were no problems, especially in small situations. I know firsthand how hard it is to have a healthy mindset when challenges and obstacles take away from what we believe is possible for our lives. My 20’s have taught me that I am responsible for myself. That is powerful, both exciting and scary. But like he said, these are just small situations; challenges and obstacles have always worked out for good.
This year I am excited about more life. To grow. To spend more time with my family and friends. To be open. To let go of what does not serve me. To create more and expand in bigger opportunities. To receive. To finally produce my short films and say yes more to opportunities that feed me and allow me to share my gifts. To allow my gifts to make room for me and place me around great men. To catch more sunsets. To forgive. To get comfortable waiting. As you can see, I want it all. However, what I want the most is to focus on my mind, body, and soul. I am just getting started with this newsletter thing. But I don't think anyone truly understands how much it means that people appreciate what I send to their inboxes every week. For my friends and family, you already know some of these stories and we've already had these conversations, but thank you for growing with me and accepting the woman that I am. The good, the bad, and sometimes ugly. It means more than you know. As for the readers, I would encourage you to embrace the person you are becoming and never forget the power you have over your life. I appreciate you reading every week and supporting this newsletter as we embark on this journey together.
Think Less! Live More!
this is dope
Thank you for affirming my obsession with Eat, Pray, Love & wanting to have that same adventure sans divorce lol